Relating to the Depths of the Psyche Through Creative Expression
From the start I was fascinated by the creative process itself, by the process of projecting and giving shape to unconscious content, and interacting with something that responds to my actions. To me the image always had to serve the psyche’s message. This process became an ongoing inner dialogue which enriched my conscious life, for it linked separate images, or messages, over the course of many years to tell its own story.
It [the book, The Old Woman and the Moon] illustrates the remarkable capacity of the psyche to reveal in images the inner process of becoming a more integrated human being.
John Gosling, Jungian Analyst
“In Wilna van der Walt’s work she gives expression to the inner consciousness of healing powers that find expression in the creative fervency. Here it has to do with the activation of the practice of art to stimulate the subconscious to find expression in an image and a striving for purification. She opens herself to tell her story on canvas within the rich chaos of inner perceptions. Her palette becomes the medium and her canvas the reportage of her psychic journey, and the answer to her continuous inner dialogue. Each of these paintings has its own life – a part of the greater puzzle of truths that form part of a wider cosmic understanding.”
Amanda Botha, Art Journalist and Writer

The Zebra-fishes, Vision of the Sangoma, oil on canvas on board. View a variety of artwork in different styles, tracing this inner journey over time.

An individual online creative course, a creative approach to active imagination, practical and theoretical. Artwork: Study to Jacob’s Ladder by Marc Chagall.

In The Old Woman and the Moon the reader may experience the reality of the psychic world in image. Descriptions are multi-layered and instructive of the underlying creative and psychic processes. Additional information supports the reader in the form of appendixes, for example Alchemy as an ancient process. Mythology is used to amplify the deeper meaning of some works. The images are further explored in Die Zebravis, a selection of Afrikaans poetry.
Irma Stern Museum

The exhibition at the Irma Stern Museum in Cape Town, 2016, depicted an inner journey spanning 25 years. It was opened by Amanda Botha, art journalist and writer. Read Amanda’s opening words.
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